Premium Dog Food Made in Germany

Happy Dog fit & vital

Specifically balanced whole food for a dog life full of joy and vitality. Our fit & vital varieties are optimally adapted to the daily activities and individual metabolic disposition of your dog. Unique recipes and particularly high-quality ingredients are the basis for a balanced diet for adult and senior dogs. We also have suitable food with adapted nutrient and energy content for our four-legged friends who are slightly overweight or for dogs who are active in sports.

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Happy Dog
fit & vital - Medium Adult
Balanced all-in-one food for mid-sized dogs up to 25kg
Happy Dog
fit & vital - Maxi Adult
Balanced whole food for large dogs from 26kg
Happy Dog
fit & vital - Senior
Perfectly tailored to the needs of senior dogs
Happy Dog
fit & vital - Light Calorie Control
Low-fat all-in-one food for dogs who are slightly overweight
Happy Dog
fit & vital - Junior
Balanced complete feed for young dogs
Happy Dog
fit vital - Sport
Complete food for sporting and performance dogs
Happy Dog
fit & vital Snack Puppy & Junior
Boosts your puppy's immune system
Happy Dog
fit & vital - Puppy
Complete feed for puppies with lots of high-quality proteins
Happy Dog
fit & vital Mini Light
Low fat food for small dogs who are slightly overweight
Happy Dog
fit & vital Mini Senior
Perfectly adapted for the needs of your senior dog
Happy Dog
fit & vital Mini Adult
Healthy balanced wholefood for small, normally active dogs
Happy Dog
fit & vital - Sport Nordic
Wholefood for performance dogs
Happy Dog
fit & vital Mini Puppy
Gluten-free complete feed for little young dogs from 4 weeks

fit & vital dog food - a concept for specifically balanced nutrition

fit & vital is a dog food concept for specifically balanced dog nutrition. All varieties are optimally adapted to your dog's daily activities and individual metabolism. Nowadays, an over-supply of fat and protein is often also the cause of chronic diseases in dogs - especially if they do not get much exercise! If you want to learn more about healthy nutrition for your four-legged friend, then visit our dog guide.